AMUZENET, Inc. Приложения

ミニ株とFXと投資と 1.0
もぐらたいじ 1.00
カンタンに遊べるシンプルゲーム。小憎たらしい もぐら達をピコピコ退治しよう![ゲームモード]- 30秒モード- 60秒モード- サバイバルモードSimple game that you canplay on easy.Let Pikopiko rid of moles us damnable small![Game Mode]- 30 seconds mode- 60 seconds mode- Survival mode
ローン返済計算機 1.00
※算出方法の違い等により、実際とは異なる計算結果になる場合がございます。あくまで参考値の算出としてご利用ください。※ due to differences incalculation method, the fact and there is a case to be in differentcalculation results. Please use only as a calculation of thereference value.
Job offer! Looking for someone to serve whatninjas order.[How to play]1. Judge doneness visually!- Food randomly falls down from the top.- Check the color of food or a gauge under the food to judge thedoneness.- When the gauge is filled, the food will get burned black andautomatically disappear from a BBQ grill.2. Serve what ninjas order!- A plate that a ninja is holding shows what he ordered.- Drag the right food on the plate.[Game over]If you serve wrong food or half-cooked food or burned food to aninja, your score and life points will be decreased.When your life points reach zero, the game ends.How many orders can you handle in the allotted time?[BBQ Ninja magic]A button appears when a bar on the right side of the screen isfilled. Press the button to use BBQ ninja magic.- Under the ninja magic, pieces of meats only fall down.- Ninjas only order meat during the magic.- Serve meat to ninjas until the bar runs out.[Ranking]Press [scores] to check your score.Be a BBQ and Ninja master!
Instantaneous memoryⅣ 1.00
Let's train your brain with flash memorygame!Your score can be submitted to online score ranking.
進撃の診断 1.00
脅威に立ち向かい、アナタは生き残ることができるか?【診断コンテンツ】・兵士の素質適性チェック・危機回避能力診断・猪突猛進度チェック※追加コンテンツ準備中You can either confrontthe threat, you can survive?[Diagnostic content]Soldier makings suitability check ofAnd crisis avoidance ability diagnosis· Headlong level check※ while adding content preparation
Save The Frog Gentlemen 2.03
Let's save the frog gentlemen fromsuddenrain.DPR instrument installed on GPM core satellite informs you oftherain strength.GPM is the joint mission between NASA and JAXA.■How to playTap the frog gentlemen before the rain becomes heavier!- If you save the frog gentleman from the rain, score willbeadded.- It's game over if you miss the five(5) times.- Please check the information from the GPM/DPR.■Game Mode- NORMAL MODE- HOT SPRING MODE- INFINITY MODE■Characters●Frog gentlemen- Let's give them an umbrella.●Frog wearing a raincoat- Don't tap them.●Snail Ninja- They run quickly.- Nobody knows where they go.■Contact us- About mission of JAXA. Japan Aerospace eXploration Agency About this app. AMUZENET, Inc.
Noodle Catch 1.00
Catch as many ingredients as possible to bethebest noodle catcher!Use a bowl to catch ingredients quickly because the ownerthrowsthem![How to play]Tap to move a Japanese businessman.-Tap long then the Japanese businessman moves quickly.-The oily floor is slippery. Watch out!Catch ingredients that the owner throws.-The more score you get, the faster the owner throws.[Game over]When you fail to catch noodles three times, it's game over.[The variety of ingredients]Each ingredient that the owner throws gives you one point.・Noodle-Failure to catch noodles decreases health.・Naruto, Char siu, Menma-Failure to catch these ingredients doesn't reduce health.[WATCH OUT YOUR STEP!]Slip on ingredients on the floor.[DANGER OF BURNING!]If ingredients hit the face of the Japanese businessman, he hopsandcan't move for a while.In addition, if noodles hit his face, health will be decreased.[Online ranking]-Press SCORES to check your score.-Try to get the highest score possible!
Crocodiles Hunting 2.0
Repel the keep-coming crocodiles by hittingthem!Do not make them eat the meat!See your score at online ranking!【時間内ぱっくん】- Compete in how many crocodile you can hit within the timelimit.- If the crocodile eats the meat, you will lose time.- You will get more time when you hit the crocodiles.【とことんぱっくん】- Compete in how many crocodile you cab hit until "life"disappears.- If the crocodile eats the meat, you will lose "life".- You will get more "life" when you hit the crocodiles.
KIOKU (memorization) 1.00
Memorize where white buttons are andpressCHECK!Can you overcome the limitation of your memory?[How to play]1. Press START then white buttons appear for three seconds.Memorize accurately where they are!2. Touch the same place where the white buttons were withinthetime limit.Touch your chosen button again to cancel.After you decide to choose the buttons, press CHECK!If your choices are correct, you will reach a new level and goonto the next stage.The more levels you achieve, the more white buttons appear.[Game over]If you run past the time limit or make a mistake in even one,it’sgame over.[Ranking]Press SCORES to check your score.Get a top ranking!
Bang Bang Cans 1.00
Hit an empty can to fly high but don't dropit!Fly to the galaxy!![How to play]Touch the empty can to fly high!- Tap the center of the can to fly straight up.- Tap far from the center of the can to fly right and left.Think about the resistance of the empty can!- The more you tap the can, the more its shape changes.- The more the change of the shape, the more right andleftmovement.If the can falls to the bottom of the screen or goes to theedgeof the screen, it's game over.A flying distance is a score.[Bazooka button]- A useful switch just in case.- Press the button to fly straight up.・The condition of the useGet star coins to use the bazooka.The more the coins, the stronger the turbo jump.If you press the bazooka button, the gauge will be reset.Getstar coins again to increase the gauge.[Online Ranking]Press [SCORES] to see your score.Get a top ranking!
Roulette for all 1.00
You might be a billionaire withinfiveminutes.Try your luck at roulette![How to play]●Spin the roulette wheel to get chips-Easy to play!Choose to place bets↓Decide the number of bets↓Press [Go] to spin the wheel●How many chips can you get within the allotted time?-You will compete in how many chips you get withinfiveminutes.-Think about placing bets to get many chips!●The higher level, the more difficult-When certain conditions are met, high level roulette tableswillappear.・Level 1: Normal mode・Level 2: Some numbers are often selected.・Level 3: In addition to the level 2, the roulette cansuddenlystop.・Level 4: In addition to the level 3, the dealer may cheat.[Ranking]The game supports online ranking.Your name would be on the billionaires' list!
Triangle Rotation 1.00
This is a Tetris type game.Stick same kind of animals more than 4 together and makethemdisappear!- Tap the screen to choose 3 different animals.- Flick left to spin the 3 animals leftward.- Flick right to spin the 3 animals rightward.- They'll disappear when more than 4 animals which have to be asamekind stick together.- One random kind of animal will all disappear when you touchtheapple.- Make them disappear as much as possible at the same time to makeahigh score.- You'll get extra time to play when the clock comes out.- Make a certain number of animals disappear to elevate to anextlevel, then the animals get more varied.- Aim to make a high score on online ranking!
Whack a Cat 1.00
Let’s scare away the cat which grabs fishyinher jaws![How to Play]- By tapping cat, you can scare away the cat.- You'll get bonus point, if you make combo by tapping cats!- You'll get high score when you beat a fly!- If you let the cat with fishy go, you'll lose point.- Try not to tap neither cat nor rat with no fishy. You'll loseLifepoint and score.- When you run out of time or Life point, you're done.
Egg Ninja 1.00
Doesn't matter as long as eggs don'thitme.Slash eggs as many as possible![How to play]1. Slash eggs that enemy ninjas throw!- Flick the screen to cut an egg.- If an egg is not close enough, you can't cut away. Slash an eggatthe right moment.2. Think about the angle of slash to get a high score!- The angle of slash changes depending on which way youflick.- When you continue to slash eggs at the same angle, you will getacombo bonus!3. Slash a golden egg to get a special item!◆Clock- Eggs come to you at slow speed. You can easily slice eggs.- Amazingly slash eggs!◆Energy drink- Swipe the screen to slash eggs. You don't need to lift yourfingeroff.- Elegantly slash eggs!When an egg hits you, the game ends.Press [scores] to check your score.The game has online ranking system. You can be a great eggslashingninja!
flash 100 1.00
For mental exercises, do this easy"add","negative", "multiplication", and "division"!Cipher quickly, and compete with time!■Time Attack mode[20]…The time you took and the number of correct answers out of20questions will be clocked up.[50]…The time you took and the number of correct answers out of50questions will be clocked up.[Challenge]…Compete the time you took and the number ofcorrectanswers out of 100 questions.(OnlineRanking-enabled)■Mental Calculation modeThe math formula will be disappeared after a certain periodoftime.Try to remember the formulas and answer them.You can choose from three levels ; 20questions, 50questions,and100questions.
PluMul 1.00
Add and multiply to make the same as aspecificnumber.Can you work out as calculated?[How to play]Tap arranged numbers to add. Make the same as the number inthequestion box.Any calculation formulas are OK to make the same as thespecificnumber. Add up!Ex. 6 = 6= 2 + 4= 2 + 2 + 2Just adding is not fun. Press [x2] to multiply!Tap [x2] to double the numbers you choose.Ex. 10 = (3 + 2) [x2]When you make a wrong choiceTap a chosen number again to cancel.If the answer of your calculation formula is higher than thenumberin the question box, your math formula will be reset.Choosenumbers again![Level up & Game over]It’s correct that the answer of your calculation formula becomesthesame as the number in the question box. Go on to thenextquestion.If you give correct answers for six consecutive times, you willgoto the next stage.The arrangement of numbers changes every stage.The more stages you pass, the shorter allotted time you have.When limited time runs out, it’s game over.[The key to get a high score]The more numbers you use, the more points you get!Get one point per a number.Use numbers as many as possible to increase points.Ex. 7= 7 ⇒ 1 point3 + 4 ⇒ 2 points2 + 2 + 3 ⇒ 3 pointsUse [x2] effectively to increase points!A math formula including [x2] doubles points.Ex. 12 = 3 + 3 + 6 ⇒ 3 points= 3 x 2 + 6 ⇒ 4 points= (2 + 1 + 3) x 2 ⇒ 6 points[Ranking]Press [SCORES] to check your score.Add and multiply as much as possible to get a high ranking!
Hideyoshi Pon! 1.00
Hideyoshi, the liege lord, is going tofightwith aliens!Play rock-paper-scissors to solve peacefully!“Oh no… Two against one is not fair. Please be concentrated,mylord!!”[How to play]- Play rock-paper-scissors with two aliens.- Hideyoshi has to defeat a big alien.- He has to lose to a small alien to win.- The faster you win, the more score you get.
Gone with Hideyoshi 1.00
Night after night, unidentified flyingobjectappears in the skies over Osaka Castle・・・!Shoot UFO down! Don’t let UFO abduct your precious retainersandparlor maids.「You do this every night just for us・・・God bless you!YourHighness, Hideyoshi!!」[How to Play]- You can shoot UFO by tapping the「Dooone!」(Ka-Boom!) button.- Staying still makes high-energy particles pileupautomatically.- When you want to shoot a huge UFO down, you’ll need high amountofenergy.
Hideyoshi FREEEEEZE! 1.00
Aliens are invading Osaka Castle!Let's hunt Aliens which are agility.「You've got cat-like-reflex! Your Highness, Hideyoshi!!」[How to Play]- Freeze 5 Aliens which come through behind the Husuma door byusing"Absolute Zero Temperature Beam".- There are 2 types of Aliens, so you need to pusheachcompliant「Kacchine!」(FREEEEEZE!)button.- The average of time you took to freeze each 5 Aliens will beyourscore.(※You'll get high score if you could freeze them as soonaspossible. If you miss the shot, score will be counted as1minute.)
Battle Skating 1.00
Use great figure skating skills toavoidobstacles!Push mean judges off!This is like a fighting!?◆How to controlFlick right and left or up and down to use figureskatingskills.[Flick up] to perform a triple axel.A skater jumps over an obstacle at the bottom.[Flick right or left] to perform a Biellmann spin.A skater pushes away an obstacle in the middle.[Flick down] to perform an Ina Bauer.A skater avoids an obstacle on the top.◆RulesThere are two kinds of programs, and each program offersthreedifficulty levels.■Short ProgramPerform designated figure skating skills at the right moment!-The image of figure skating element comes from the right ofthescreen. Perform the same element with the image when askateroverlaps the image.-The key to get a high score is accuracy and timing.-Perform right elements consecutively to get bonus points.■Free ProgramUse various skills to pass obstacles!-An obstacle comes from the right of the screen. Use variousskillsto pass an obstacle.-Perform figure skating elements as many as possible withintheallotted time to get a high score.-If a skater fails to perform, she stops moving for a while.-Pass obstacles consecutively to get bonus points and increasetheremaining time.[Obstacles]-Bunch of flowers (on the top, in the middle, at the bottom)-Mean judges (in the middle)-Puddle (at the bottom)-Mean skater (at the bottom)The game has an online ranking.Be the queen of figure skating!!
Palmistry 1.4
Take a photo to read your fortune!The picture of your palm is analyzed to tell your destiny.You will find out the following:・全体運(General fortune)・あなたへのアドバイス(Advice)・適職診断(Job aptitude)・開運年齢(Lucky age)・結婚/恋愛診断(Marriage/Love)
運命の四柱推命 - 予測でも予知でもない確実に来る未来を鑑定 1.00
あなたの性格・運命を占う四柱推命。予測でも予知でもない確実に来る未来をお見せします。★今日の運勢 四柱推命を元に、毎日のあなたの運勢を占います。 一日一日を大切に生きるための指針として、お役立てください。★運命の四柱推命 四柱推命を用いて、あなたの運命を占います。 あなたの性格、適性、弱点、心の本質、未来の人生を幸せへと導くアドバイスなどを行います。★開運おみくじ おみくじで、あなたの吉凶を占います。 気軽にお試しください。Four Pillars ofDestiny,which predict your personality-fate.Also show you the future to come to ensure it is not even intheprediction in the forecast.★ fortune of todayBased on the Four Pillars of Destiny, I will divination yourfortunedaily.As a guide to live to cherish each day, please help us.★ four-poster of fate 推命Using the Four Pillars of Destiny, and fortune-tellingyourdestiny.Your personality, aptitude, weakness, heart of the essence, Idolike advice that leads to happiness the future of life.★ luck fortuneIn fortune, I will divination your Kikkyo.Please try not hesitate to.